Driver s Manual for the Niva 1600
(Vaz 2121 series)
Operator s Manual
Glen Huntly 3163
Victoria, Australia
Lada Niva Driver s Manual
Jason Chapman
Table of Contents
19 swivelling air deflectors..................... 16
20 air intake port cover control lever........ 16
21 heater cock control lever. ................... 16
22 heater fan three position switch. ......... 16
23 back window wiper and washer switch.16
24 external lighting switch. .................... 16
25 choke control knob............................ 16
28 coolant temperature gauge. ................ 17
29 brake fluid low level warning lamp...... 17
30 transfer differential lock warning lamp 17
34 headlight upper beam warning lamp.... 17
35 direction indicator warning lamp........ 17
36 marker light warning lamp................. 17
37 trip counter resetting......................... 17
38 tachometer....................................... 17
39 choke warning lamp.......................... 17
40 battery no charge warning lamp.......... 18
61 parking brake warning lamp............... 18
43 low oil pressure warning lamp ........... 18
45 low fuel warning lamp ...................... 18
46 instrument lighting switch.................. 18
49 headlight wiper switch. ..................... 18
50 back window heater switch................. 18
51 cigarette lighter................................ 19
52 rear fog lamp switch......................... 19
53 emergency flasher warning light switch.19
INTRODUCTION......................................... 2
IMPORTANT NOTICES............................. 2
DESCRIPTION............................................ 6
IDENTIFICATION DATA ........................... 6
LUBRICATING SYSTEM.................................. 7
FUEL SYSTEM............................................. 7
Crankcase breathing system...................... 7
Cooling system....................................... 7
IGNITION SYSTEM........................................ 7
EXHAUST SYSTEM. ...................................... 7
TRANSMISSION ........................................... 8
Clutch. ................................................. 8
Gearbox................................................ 8
Transfer case......................................... 8
Propeller shafts...................................... 8
Front axle. ............................................ 8
Rear axle............................................... 8
SUSPENSION............................................... 8
Front suspension.................................... 8
Rear suspension. .................................... 8
STEERING GEAR AND WHEELS....................... 8
Steering gear. ........................................ 8
Wheels.................................................. 9
Tyres.................................................... 9
BRAKES .................................................... 9
Service brakes ........................................ 9
Parking brake ........................................ 9
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT............................ 11
Storage battery..................................... 11
Alternator ........................................... 11
Voltage regulator ................................. 11
Starter................................................ 11
Car radio............................................ 11
Windshield wiper.................................. 11
Heater motor ....................................... 11
Ignition switch..................................... 11
External lighting and light signalling
APPOINTMENTS....................................... 20
Sun visors............................................ 20
Rear view mirrors................................. 20
VENTILATION AND HEATING....................... 20
Windshield Demisting............................ 21
Heating............................................... 21
DOORS .................................................... 22
SEATS..................................................... 22
Engine hood......................................... 23
Installing the number plates.................... 23
Fuel tank cap ....................................... 23
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS................... 24
system................................................. 11
Instrument panel................................... 11
Bulbs.................................................. 11
BODY..................................................... 12
Car appointments:................................ 12
Ventilation and heating. ........................ 12
Keys................................................... 12
Air Conditioning.................................. 12
Starting the engine from cold.................. 24
Starting from Hot ................................. 24
MOVING OFF...................................... 24
DRIVING HINTS......................................... 25
Stopping and parking the car.................. 25
Running in........................................... 26
Seat belts............................................. 26
Adjusting the spark advance angle ........... 27
Towing the car..................................... 27
1. Headlight switch lever. ...................... 13
2. direction indicator switch lever. .......... 14
3. Ignition switch. ................................ 14
Anti-theft lock ...................................... 14
6 windshield wiper switch lever. ............. 14
11. parking brake lever.......................... 16
15 map shelf........................................ 16
TABLES.................................................... 29
ENGINE................................................... 31
FILLING CAPACITIES. LITRES ...................... 31
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Lada Niva Driver s Manual
Jason Chapman
The VAZ2121 is a comfortable, high speed, all wheel drive, cross country, economy car
intended to carry passengers and loads on paved roads of any kind and on dirt roads. The car
design makes it possible to operate the car at ambient temperatures ranging from plus 45"C
down to minus 40 "C.
The advanced design and use of high quality lubricants ensure reliable engine starting at low
ambient temperatures down to minus 25"C without a starting pre-heater. If the car is to be
operated at ambient temperatures below minus 25"C, it should be kept in a warm garage to
ensure reliable starting of the engine. A double circuit brake system incorporating a low brake
fluid level warning device and a rear brake pressure regulator comply with the modern safety
standards for passenger cars.
High operating properties and dependability, long service life and low labour input in
maintenance largely depend upon strict observance of the operating and servicing rules.
The present Manual contains basically a description of the VAZ2121 car, whereas the
design features VAZ21212 car are given in a separate chapter.
Inasmuch as the design of the VAZ cars is being constantly perfected, some units and
mechanisms may somewhat differ from those described in the present Manual.
Prior to starting the regular operation of the car the Owner is invited to carefully
study the present Manual.
The excellent performance of the car will become more conspicuous and its life will be
considerably longer if the Owner strictly adheres to the recommendations laid down below.
The comfortable car is easy to steer and exhibits high spurt and speed capabilities on the road
which fact ranks the car with ordinary passenger cars. However, it differs from them in its
cross-country ability on slushy dirt roads, sand and snow. Nevertheless, the Owner should
always remember that the car is not intended for constant operation un der heavy road
If the car is driven in heavy sections of the road (on mud or sand), wash the car carefully and
examine the following parts more frequently than usual:
• Front wheel hub seals and lubricant
• Front brake friction pads;
• Protective rubber boots of the suspension ball supports, steering rod joints, and front
wheel drive joints. If the boot is damaged, water and mud penetrate into the joint, causing
its abnormal wear and failure. A damaged boot should be immediately replaced with a new
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After negotiating a deep (0.5 m) ford, check before a trip for water in the power transmission
units. Do it by loosening the drain plugs until drops appear. Oil drops indicate that there is no
water in the unit.
Do not overload the car in excess of the specified limits. Overloading results in damage of the
front suspension elements, bending of the rear axle beam, premature wear of the tyres,
vibration of the body end loss of road stability. The mass of the load on the roof luggage
carrier (including that of the carrier) should not excess 50 kg with the payload not exceeding
400 kg.
Elastic suspension of the car absorbs vibrations when driving speedily on bad roads. Sharp
jolts, how ever, may cause deformation of the lower wishbone shafts and damage other parts
of the Therefore, when driving roads, do not speed up and avoid striking the curb-stones.
Do not lock the differential at the moment of slipping of both wheels of one of the car
driving axles. Lock the differential in advance, taking into consideration the road conditions.
Upon negotiating the difficult sections, unlock the differential since driving along good roads
with the differential locked running gear. on such shortens the life of the power
transmission mechanisms, and increases the tyre wear and fuel consumption; when
braking. the car may go skidding. The differential locking is in dictated by the warning lamp
on the instrument panel.
The engine, gearbox, transfer case, front and rear axles of the Ear should be lubricated only
with the oils recommended by the Manufacturer (refer to Appendix 2). The use of oils of
other grades will result in premature failure of said units and mechanisms.
The engine is designed to run on gasoline with an octane number not lower than 91.
Operation on gasoline with lower octane numbers is not allowed. Red-orange tinted gasoline
AN-93 is ethylated. Ethylated gasoline is poisonous, therefore keep it off the hands, skin,
clothes and upholstery. Any operations which could result in penetration of ethylated
gasoline or its vapours into the mouth are particularly intolerable.
Never use the starter to move the car from rest. Move off only in the 1st gear. If the engine
fails to run after three attempts to start it, check the fuel system or ignition system, and
eliminate the cause of poor engine starting.
Do not apply the starter with the engine running, since that may lead to breakage of the
starter pinion or flywheel teeth.
Never race the engine to the speed bringing the tachometer pointer in the red zone of the
scale. If the tachometer pointer is found within the yellow zone, the engine speed approaches
the maximum permissible limit (the edge of the red zone).
Bear in mind that exhaust gases are poisonous. Therefore, the premises where the engine is
started and warmed up should be properly ventilated.
Do not operate the car with the low engine oil pressure warning lamp glowing.
Lighting up of this lamp is permissible at the minimum idling speed. On increasing the engine
speed, the lamp must go off. Glowing of the lamp at the engine service speeds indicates
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insufficient oil pressure in the engine lubricating system. Extremely important! Never run
the car with the low oil pressure warning lamp on! This will cause rapid engine
wear which will cease the engine resulting in total engine destruction!
Take care of the tyre pressure since driving on under inflated tyres results in their premature
wear and impairs car stability and steerability.
When on the move, do not turn the ignition key to position III PARKING
(CTORHKA) as it may result in locking the steering shaft by the antitheft device, thus
making the car non-steerable. Prior to moving off, check the parking brake lever position;
start motion only with the lever all the way down. While in motion, do not switch off the
ignition, since the brake vacuum booster becomes inoperative when the engine is
stopped, and the force to be applied to the brake pedal rises considerably. The car is
fitted with highly effective front disc brakes. However, their long service life can be ensured
only with due care. Prevent accumulation of dirt in the brake mechanisms, and wash them after
driving in deep mud.
If one of the brake circuits fails, braking of the car will be ensured by the other. The trouble,
however, results in longer travel of the brake pedal and lower braking efficiency; at the first
instant that even may be taken for complete failure of the brakes. Do not release the brake
pedal in this case nor depress it repeatedly, since that will only result in lengthening the
braking time and distance; instead, press the pedal until the maximum possible braking effect is
With the engine inoperative, never leave the ignition turned on, as this will discharge the
storage battery and damage the ignition system units.
To ensure normal functioning of the lighting and signalling systems, make use of the electric
bulbs specified in Appendix 1.
To prevent damage to the alternator rectifier, proceed as follows:
• When installing the storage battery on the car, see to it that the wires are connected in
compliance with the polarity signs stamped on the wire clamps and battery terminals (the
positive terminal is larger then the negative one). The storage battery must be connected to
terminal "30" of the alternator only by the positive wire (wire lug marked " + ");
• When the storage battery installed in the car is being slave charged from an external source,
be sure that the battery is disconnected from the alternator; do not check the alternator
serviceability by short-circuiting its terminal "30" to the ground or to terminal "67" (to
check for sparking);
• Do not operate the alternator unless its terminal "30" is connected to the battery.
The car is equipped with an ignition coil that has no series resistor. Therefore, do not short-
circuit its terminals to facilitate starting the engine with the starting crank, as it will damage the
moving contact spring of the ignition distributor breaker and ruin the ignition switch contact
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To prevent blowing of the fuse and damage to the voltage regulator contacts, observe the
following rules:
• Do not check the voltage regulator for serviceability by short circuiting its terminals "15"
and "67"
• Do not interchange the wires running to terminals "67" and "15";
• Do not interchange the wire intended for connection to terminal "67" of the alternator and
the wire intended for connection with the alternator star center (non-marked terminal);
• Do not connect any noise suppressing capacitors to terminal "67"
When a layer of ice or snow on the roll down windows hampers their movement, do not
apply much force to rotate the window regulator mechanism.
When on the move, never try to set the trip counter to zero. Such attempt will result in its
Reliability of your car depends on strict observance of the service rules outlined in
the Manual and on strict adherence to the intervals and scope of preventive
maintenance operations.
The VAZ2121 car and its versions are noted for an original design of the front wheel drive,
transfer case and other units and parts. Therefore, the Manufacturer recommends that
preventive maintenance of the car is performed at the service stations whose addresses will be
advised to the Owner on purchasing the car.
In repairs, be sure that use is made only of the spares which are supplied by V/O
"Zapchastexport" When ordering the spares, please state their Catalogue number and name.
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Lada Niva Driver s Manual
Jason Chapman
This section contains description of parts of the Niva 1600 - (Vaz 2121). Explanations are
given of what things are, not necessarily how they work. See the Instruments and controls
section for information on how to operate them - Jason.
Identification number of the car is indented
on a non-detachable plate secured on the
instrument panel (Fig. 1) at the left hand side.
The plate is installed to special order.
Model and number of the engine are
indented on a boss of the cylinder block located
above the oil filter.
Model and number of the body are indented
on the upper reinforcement member of the
dashboard. The summary nameplate and the
plate with international approval signs are
secured on the dashboard.
The summary nameplate contains the following
data arranged from. top to bottom:
•Abbreviated name of the manufacturing plant;
•The first three letters of the next line are the coded designations of a geographic zone,
country and manufacturing plant (X-Europe, T-USSR, A-Volga Automobile Plant);
The following six digits designate the car model;
•The next Latin letter is the coded designation of a year of car manufacture;
•The last seven digits stand for a chassis number (on a car it corresponds to the body
•Officially approved gross mass of the car;
•Officially approved gross mass of the car and trailer equipped with brakes;
•Officially approved load on the front axle;
•Officially approved load on the rear axle; engine model and Serial No. of the car.
The plate with international approval signs contains the following data:
Car model;
Sign E states that the car has been tested and it meets the Safety Code Standards worked out
by the United Nations European Economic Commission (UNEEC);
The digit adjacent to the sign E is a coded designation of the country in which the car has
been tested for conformity to the Safety Code Standards (2 France);
The left hand column of the plate contains the numbers of the UNEEC Safety Codes while
the numbers of the official approval are given in the right hand column.
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Lubricating system.
The system is of combination (splash-and-force) type: bearings of crankshaft, camshaft and
accessory drive shaft are force-lubricated; cylinders, valve gear and its drive are splash-
lubricated, A gear oil pump with an oil intake strainer and a reducing valve in the cover is
located in the engine sump. A quick-change full flow oil filter has a filter element made of
special cardboard.
Fuel system.
An emulsion type, two barrel, down draft carburettor has a pneumatically controlled
secondary throttle, balanced float chamber, crankcase fume recirculation system,
pneumatically controlled economiser, diaphragm type acceleration pump, independent idling
system and a gauze filter at fuel inlet; the choke is fitted with a diaphragm mechanism for cold
engine starting. An air cleaner is fitted with a replaceable element made of special cardboard
and a synthetic wool pre-cleaner. An additional oil bath air cleaner is installed to special order.
A diaphragm type fuel pump is provided with a gauze filter and a hand priming lever.
Crankcase breathing system.
The system is closed type, with an oil separator and a flame arrester.
Cooling system.
The system is sealed, liquid type with a translucent expansion tank. A solid filled thermostat
in a one piece housing is hose connected to the cooling system. A six blade plastic fan fitted on
the centrifugal water pump shaft is driven by a V-belt from the crankshaft pulley.
Ignition system.
The system is battery operated, with a rated voltage of 12 V. The ignition distributor is
provided with centrifugal and vacuum spark timers driven from the accessory drive shaft.
Ignition coil B-117 or B-117A has no series resistor. Spark plugs A17L~B, FE65P and high
tension wires with resistors suppressors in the boots or high tension wires FE65CPR with
built in resistors suppressors and high tension wires without the resistors suppressors in the
boots. The spark plugs have thread MCO M14X1.256E and 19mm reach. The initial spark
advance angle is set by marks on the crankshaft pulley and timing gear cover.
Exhaust system.
The system is provided with two successively mounted mufflers, with the tail exhaust pipe
at the car rear. To special order the exhaust system is equipped with an exhaust gas
recirculation system.
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The clutch is single plate, dry, with diaphragm pressure spring, and is hydraulically
The gearbox is four speed, all forward gears synchro-meshed The gearshift lever is mounted
on the floor tunnel.
Gear ratios: 1st gear 3.667; 2nd gear 2.100; 3rd gear1.361; 4th gear 1.000; Reverse gear 3.526.
Car versions with a five speed gearbox and 5th gear ratio of 0.819 are available.
Transfer case.
The transfer case is of two range type, three shaft, with a centre differential having a positive
lock. The differential lock lever and range shift lever are mounted on the floor tunnel.
Gear ratios: High range 1Æ2
Low range 2.135
Propeller shafts.
The intermediate propeller shaft (gear box to transfer case) is provided with an elastic
coupling and a needle bearing universal joint. The front and rear axle propeller shafts are
provided with needle bearing universal joints at the ends. Each propeller shaft has grease
fittings in the splined connections and joints.
Front axle.
The front axle reduction unit with the centre differential is attached to the engine. The final
drive is bevel gear, hypoid. gear ratio 4.1. The front wheel drive propeller shafts are provided
with oiled for life universal joints.
Rear axle.
The rear axle is a rigid beam. The rear axle reduction unit is provided with a centre
differential. The final drive is bevel gear, hypoid, gear ratio 4.1.
Front suspension.
Independent, on swinging lateral wishbones, with coil springs, double acting telescopic
hydraulic shock absorbers and antiroll bar. The joints need no periodical lubrication.
Rear suspension.
Coil springs, double acting telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers, four longitudinal and one
transverse radius rods.
Steering Gear and Wheels
Steering gear.
The steering mechanism including an hourglass worm on ball bearings and a roller on needle or
ball bearings is enclosed in an aluminium case. The steering gear ratio is 16.4. The steering
linkage side rods are actuated by the pitman arm and centre rod with an idler arm. The steering
rod joints need no periodical lubrication. The steering gear is injury safe.
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Wheels are of drop forged disc type. The rim size is 127-J406 (5J-16). The wheel is fastened
with five nuts. The spare wheel is in the engine compartment.
are cross-ply 6.9516 (175-406), or radial-ply 175/801116.
Used in the car is a two circuit hydraulic brake system.
Service brakes
(combined with emergency brake) Include front disc brakes with movable callipers and three
cylinder blocks, and rear aluminium drum brakes with cast iron liners on the working surface,
with self aligning shoes and hydraulic cylinders.
The front and rear brakes are hydraulically operated by the foot pedal through master brake
cylinder with two coaxial pistons, and a vacuum booster. The rear brake hydraulic circuit
incorporates a pressure regulator which reduces the probability of rear wheel locking at
braking; in the case of wheel locking, the pressure regulator allows the front wheels to lock
earlier which reduces the possibility of skidding. Note - switching off the engine while in
travel deactivates the brake booster pump which in turn makes braking distances
greatly longer!
Parking brake
is hand operated. The rear wheel shoes are cable operated by the lever mounted on the floor
tunnel between the front seats.
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Electrical Equipment
The system is single wire. negative ground return type. Rated voltage is 12 V.
Storage battery
Type 6CT55A, capacity 2 105C (55 A Æh) at 20h discharge rate. The current output at
intensive discharge in cold state (minus 18"C) is 255 A.
Is an enclosed type machine with a built in rectifier employing silicon diodes; the current
output at the engine speed of 5,000 rpm’ is 42 A.
Voltage regulator
Is of two stage, vibration type.
With a solenoid switch and an overrunning clutch. Its power rating is 1.3 kW.
Car radio
"Bylina207" or "Kruis 201" is a stationary set, with an external antenna AP-108 on the front
left fender, installed on some of the cars.
Windshield wiper
Is an electrical, two-blade device with two operating modes: continuous and intermittent.
Motor power rating is 20 W. Headlight wipers and washers are electrical devices, installed to
special order.
Heater motor
Has a power rating of 20 W.
Ignition switch.
The switch controls ignition, external lighting, instrument lighting, and engine starting. It is
installed on the steering column and provided with an antitheft device. Horns are electrically
External lighting and light signalling system.
Two headlights with lighting units made to meet European Standards, ride lights combining
marker lights and direction indicators, side direction indicators, tail lights combining marker
lights, direction indicators, stoplights, backing lamps and reflectors, and rear number plate
Instrument panel.
Tachometer with parking brake warning lamp, choke warning lamp, and battery no-charge
warning lamp; speedometer with odometer and trip counter, and with marker light, direction
indicator, and headlight upper beam warning lamps; fuel gauge with low fuel warning lamp;
coolant temperature tyre gauge; oil pressure gauge with low engine oil pressure warning lamp;
differential lock and brake fluid low level warning lamps.
See Appendix 1 for places of installation and types.
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Body three door, unitized (anodised?), all metal. Its side doors have front mounted hinges
and windows provided with two glasses: swivelling vent and roll down. Tailgate (luggage
compartment door) opens upwards. The windshield and back window are scenaramic. The
triplex windshield and heat tempered back and side glasses are polished and splinter proof.
The bumpers are rubber plated at the front and provided with plastic end pieces. The split
front seats fitted with headrests are adjustable fore and aft and for rake (or driver’s and
passenger’s comfort. The front seats are hinged to provide access to the back seat which can be
folded to increase the luggage compartment area. The seat upholstery is of artificial leather.
Car appointments:
Instrument panel, cigarette lighter, ashtrays in the instrument panel and side walls near the
back seat, glove compartment, sun visors, external and internal rear view mirrors, armrests on
both doors, seat belts, electric windshield washer, heater, map shelf under the instrument
panel on the passenger’s side, front end rear wheel splash aprons, and a fire extinguisher holder
under the driver’s seat. On request, the car may be equipped with an electrically heated back
window, rear fog lamp, and back window wiper and washer.
Ventilation and heating.
The heating system is connected to the engine cooling system. Air is distributed by two air
deflectors on the instrument panel. The deflectors direct heated air on the windshield or to the
upper part of the body interior; heated air is supplied into the lower part of the body interior
when the heater cover is open. Air circulation is intensified by an electric fan with two modes
of operation. At an ambient temperature of minus 25 "C, an average temperature inside the car
is as high as 20 "C with the heating system at full blast; in the area around the driver’s and
passenger’s feet the temperature is about 25 "C. The body interior is ventilated through the
holes in the body side panels.
Each car is furnished with two sets of keys. Each set contains a larger
key (Fig. 3) for the ignition switch, and a smaller one for the doors.
Each key bears a stamped Series No.
Air Conditioning
The Niva 1600 is not fitted with air conditioning, but it is possible to
fit it. This will effect your fuel consumption though. In Australia, you
can contact Richmond Auto Electricals on (03) 9428-3185 or (03) 9428
1997 to have air conditioning fitted - Jason
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Fig. 4. Instrument and Controls:
1 headlight switch lever; 2 direction indicator switch lever; 3 ignition switch; 4 clutch pedal; 5 brake pedal; 6
windshield wiper switch lever; 7 accelerator pedal; 8 heater lid lever; 9 transfer differential lock lever; 10
transfer range shift lever; 11 parking brake lever; 12 gearshift lever; 13 radio seat decorative cover; 14dashin
panel with additional controls; 15 map shelf; 16 glove compartment; 17 ashtray; 18 plug; 19 _ swivelling air
deflectors; 20 air intake port cover control lever; 21 heater cock control lever; 22 heater fan three position
switch; 23 back window wiper and washer switch; 24 external lighting switch; 25 choke control knob; 26 horn
switch; 27 instrument panel; 28 coolant temperature gauge; 29 brake fluid low level warning lamp; 30 transfer
differential lock warning lamp; 31 speedometer; 32 trip counter; 33 odometer; 34 headlight upper beam
warning lamp; 35 direction indicator warning lamp; 36 marker light warning lamp; 37 trip counter resetting
knob; 38 tachometer; 39 choke warning lamp; 40 battery no charge warning lamp; 41 parking brake warning
lamp; 42 oil pressure gauge; 43 _ low oil pressure warning lamp; 44 fuel level gauge; 45 low fuel waring lamp;
46 instrument lighting switch; 47 fuse blocks; 48 hood lock release lever; 49 headlight wiper switch; 50 back
window heater switch; 51 cigarette lighter; 52 rear (lasher warning light switch fog lamp switch; 53 emergency
flasher warning light switch.
1. Headlight switch lever.
When external lighting switch 24 is turned on and the ignition key is in position I or III, the
headlight switch lever may be set in the following positions:
Position I:
Position II:
headlights OFF
lower beam ON
Position III: upper beam ON
The upper beam of the headlights can also be turned on with the external lighting switch in
the OFF position by pulling up the lever along the axis of the steering column. The upper
beam of the headlights When released, the lever returns to the initial position automatically.
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2. direction indicator switch lever.
When the lever is shifted to position A, the R.H. direction indicators are ON and when it is
shifted to position B, the L.H. direction indicators are ON. When the car recovers from a turn
the lever automatically returns to the initial position. This can also be done by hand.
3. Ignition switch.
Positions of the ignition key denote the following:
all OFF;
Ignition ON;
starter ON;
III ignition OFF;
With the key removed, the antitheft device is engaged. With the key in position I or III, the
switches can be used to energise the circuits of the external and internal lighting system,
windshield washer, windshield wiper, heater fan, and headlight wipers and washers.
Besides, with the key in position I the circuits of the ignition system, voltage regulator,
alternator field winding, instruments with warning lamps, and backing lamps are alive.
Irrespective of the ignition key in position I, the circuits of the interior lamps, horn, cigarette
lighter, inspection lamp socket, emergency flasher warning system and stop lights are always
Anti-theft lock
To engage the antitheft device when the car is parked, turn the key to position III
PARKING and withdraw the key, turn the steering wheel either side until a click is heard
which means that the locking bar of the ignition switch has entered the slot on the steering
shaft and locked the latter. The antitheft device locks the steering gear when the wheels are in
the straight ahead position or turned to the right, or left.
To disengage the antitheft device, insert the key into the ignition switch, and, turning the
steering wheel lightly both ways in order to reduce friction arising when the locking bar comes
out of the slot, turn the key to position O (OFF).
4 clutch pedal.
5 brake pedal.
6 windshield wiper switch lever.
Positions of the lever:
windshield wiper operates intermittently
windshield wiper operates continuously.
The windshield washer is engaged on pulling the lever, irrespective of the lever position.
7 accelerator pedal.
8 heater lid lever.
9 transfer differential lock lever.
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10 transfer range shift lever.
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11. parking brake lever.
On shifting the lever upwards, the brake shoes of the rear wheels are applied. With the
ignition ON, this is indicated by the parking brake warning lamp on the instrument panel. To
return the lever to the initial position, depress the button at the lever handle end. On shifting
the lever down, the warning lamp goes off. In cases of extreme emergency the parking
brake may be applied for slightly braking the car on the move, or it may be applied
concurrently with the service brakes.
12 gearshift lever.
13 radio seat decorative cover.
14 dash in panel with additional controls.
15 map shelf.
A place for a first aid kit is provided on the shelf.
16 glove compartment.
17 ash tray
18 plug
19 swivelling air deflectors.
20 air intake port cover control lever.
21 heater cock control lever.
22 heater fan three position switch.
23 back window wiper and washer switch.
The switch is installed instead of the plug, if the car is equipped with a back window wiper
and washer. When the lower part of the switch rocker is depressed to the first fixed position,
the back window wiper is turned on, and when it is depressed to the second fixed position, the
washer (water jet) is additionally turned on. Both are turned off by depressing the upper
(riffled) part of the switch rocker as far as it will go.
24 external lighting switch.
When the lower part of the switch locker is depressed, the marker lights come on.
25 choke control knob.
The knob is used for starting the engine from cold. If the knob is pulled all the way out, the
carburettor choke is closed, and with the ignition ON, the warning lamp on the instrument
panel comes on. If the knob is pushed all the way in, the choke is fully opened (warning lamp
is out).
26 horn switch.
27 instrument panel.
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28 coolant temperature gauge.
Passing of the pointer into the red zone of the scale indicates engine over heating. If this is
the case, check the alternator drive belt for proper tension, and if the drive belt is tensioned
properly, check the cooling system.
29 brake fluid low level warning lamp
(red) It comes on, with the ignition ON, when the level of brake fluid in the reservoir has
dropped below the permissible limit due to consumption of fluid or some fault in the brake
30 transfer differential lock warning lamp
(amber). It comes on when the ignition is ON and lever 9 is shifted in the differential locking
31 speedometer.
32 trip counter.
33 odometer.
34 headlight upper beam warning lamp
(blue). It comes on when external lighting switch 24 is turned ON and headlight switch lever
1 is in position III.
35 direction indicator warning lamp
(green). It comes on in flashing light when direction indicator switch lever 2 is in the R.H. or
L.H. turn position. If one of the direction indicator lamps is defective, the warning lamp will
not flicker.
36 marker light warning lamp
(green). It comes on when external lighting switch 24 is turned ON.
37 trip counter resetting
The counter is set to zero, when car is at a halt, by rotating the knob counterclockwise.
38 tachometer
Shows the engine crankshaft speed. The yellow zone of the scale indicates engine operation
at a high speed, whereas the red zone indicates dangerous speed range.
39 choke warning lamp
(amber). It comes on if the ignition is ON and the choke control knob is in the pulled out
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40 battery no charge warning lamp
(red). It comet on when the ignition is turned ON; the lamp goes off immediately on starting
the engine. If the lamp stays ON with the engine running, the alternator drive belt is slack or
the alternator is faulty.
From experience this is most often caused by a worn fan belt. Replace the fan belt
immediately or you risk burning out the alternator! - Jason
61 parking brake warning lamp
(red). If the ignition is ON, the lamp comes on in flashing light after the brake lever is shifted
to the upper position.
42 oil pressure gauge.
43 low oil pressure warning lamp
(red). The lamp comes on when the ignition is ON. The lamp must go off when the speed of
the started engine is above the minimum rpm.
Extremely important! Never run the car with the low oil pressure warning lamp
on! This will cause rapid engine wear which will cease the engine resulting in
total engine destruction!
Make sure you are always topped up on oil!
44 fuel level gauge.
45 low fuel warning lamp
(red). It comes on when less than 4-6.5 litres of fuel remains in the tank.
46 instrument lighting switch.
It is energised when external lighting switch 24 is turned ON. Instrument lighting is turned on
and its brightness is regulated by turning the switch knob.
47 fuse blocks
48 hood lock release lever.
49 headlight wiper switch.
The headlight wipers and washer are turned ON by depressing the switch button, if the
headlight lower beam is ON. When released, the button automatically returns to the initial
50 back window heater switch
This is installed instead of the plug if the car is equipped with a back window heater. When
the rocker riffled portion is depressed to the fixed position, the back window heater is turned
ON and the warning lamp with an orange lens in the switch comes on.
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51 cigarette lighter.
To use the lighter, depress and release immediately the holder button which remains depressed
for approximately 15 s. Then the button automatically returns to the initial position and the
lighter is ready for use. With the instrument lighting ON, a special lamp illuminates the lighter
52 rear fog lamp switch
Is in stalled instead of the plug if the car is equipped with a rear fog lamp. The lamp is turned
on by depressing the left part of the switch rocker. The warning lamp with an orange lens in
the switch proper comes ON in this case.
53 emergency flasher warning light switch.
Pressing on the button results in flashing of all direction indicators and of a warning lamp in
the button proper. The emergency flasher warning lights are switched off by pressing on the
button for the second time.
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Sun visors
Are intended to protect the driver and passenger from the
dazzling sun. In case of head on rays, set the visor (Fig. 5)
in position I, in case of side rays, in position II.
Rear view mirrors
Internal rear-view mirror(Fig. 6) ensures observation of the
road behind the Ear. If the driver is dazzled by the
headlights of a vehicle following behind, use the lever to
change the mirror tilt.
External rear-view mirrors serve for observing the road
behind the car, particularly when the dimensions of the load
carried in the luggage compartment of the car obstruct
observation of the road by means of the internal rear-view
mirror, or when the back window is covered with mist.
To open the ashtray, pull
handle 1 (Fig. 7). To empty,
depress cigarette put out strip
2, and remove the ashtray.
are mounted on the front seats. Adjustable in height, the
headrests are held in the required position by spring detents.
Inspection lamp socket is located in the engine compartment on the bracket of the hydraulic
brake fluid reservoir.
Ventilation and heating
Depending on the temperature of outside air, ventilation
and heating of the car can be adjusted as described below.
The outside sir can enter the car body as follows:
•through the open swivelling vent windows; to open,
depress button 1 (Fig. 8), and turn handle 2;
•through the window if the roll-down glasses are lowered
by rotating handle 3;
•through air deflectors 1 (Fig. 9) when lower lever 4
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controlling the air intake port cover is shifted to the right. Shifting the lever right wards
increases the supply of the outside air through the heater radiator; through the heater grille if
the lid is opened by means of lever 5, with lower lever 4 shifted to the right. Turning of the
deflectors changes the direction of the air flow. If the car moves at a low speed, the amount of
supplied air can be increased by cutting in the heater fan with switch 2. The fan is driven at
the lower speed on depressing the lower part of the switch rocker to the first fixed position,
and at the higher speed on depressing the rocker to the second fixed position. The fan is
switched off by depressing the upper part of the switch rocker as far as if will go.
Windshield Demisting
To demist the windshield it is enough to blow cold air on it. For
this purpose, shift lower lever4 to the right and, having closed
the heater lid with lever 5 turn air deflectors 1 so that the air
stream is spread over the greater area of the windshield. To warm
slightly the supplied air, shift upper lever 3 part way to the
right. When the lever is shifted to the right, coolant delivery from
the engine to the heater radiator is increased.
Fig. 9. Heating System Controls:
1 swivelling air deflectors; 2
heater fan three position switch;
3heater cock control lever; 4 air
intake port cover control lever; 5
heater lid levers
To heat the car interior and to demist and defrost the windshield
proceed as follows:
shift levers 3 and 4 to the right;
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if necessary, cut in the heater fan with switch 2;
open the heater lid with lever 5. Hot air will be directed to the
driver’s and passengers’ feet zone, as well as onto thewindshield. To
speed up warming of the windshield, close the heater lid. If the
ambient air temperature is very low, shift lever 4 part way to the
right so as to limit the inflow of cold air.
To open the side doors, press the door handle upwards (Fig. 10).
As soon as the door is opened, the interior lamps come on
automatically. For locking the doors from the outside, locks 1 are
provided. From the inside, the lock is engaged by depressing the lock
button (fig 11)
Do not press the button when the door is open, since in this case
the inside locking mechanism is inoperative. (ie, there s no point
trying to open an already open door)
Fig. 11. Side Door: I lock released; II
lock engaged; 1 door handle
To open the door from the inside pull handle 1, irrespective of the
position of the locking button.
To open the luggage compartment tailgate, unlock it with the side
door key and depress lock button 1 (Fig. 12). In the open position,
the tailgate is retained by gas filled telescopic props.
For fore and aft adjustment
of the front seats, turn down
lock handle 1 (Fig. 13). Release
the handle after the seat is
shifted to the desired position
and slightly move it to and fro
to make sure it is fixed reliably.
To tilt the seat backrest
slightly, rotate knob 2. To
Fig. 13. Front Set: (lock handle; 2
back rake adjusting knob: 3 handle
incline the seat backrest
through a larger angle, raise knob 2, adjust the seat backrest to a desired rake, and release the
To make berths in the car, remove the headrests, shift the seats to the foremost position, and
throw back the seat backrests, setting them in plane
with the back seat.
To provide access to the back seat, depress handle 3
and tilt the front seat as shown in Fig. 14.
The back seat is folding. To enlarge the luggage
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compartment area proceed as follows: press off seat retainers 1 shift the front seats forward
and place the rear seat with its backrest in position II; shift the front seats rearward and make
their positions convenient.
Engine hood
To open the engine hood, pull lever 48 (Fig. 4),
raise hood 1 (Fig. 16) and bring prop 2 into the stop
of bracket 3. When closing the hood raise it slightly,
remove the prop from the bracket stop and smoothly
lower the hood.
Note: In windy weather the hood may blow
close. You can usually prevent this by jamming a
screwdriver provided in the tool kit into the groove which the prop rests in. - Jason
Installing the number plates
To install the rear number plate on the car, insert
plastic bushings 4 (Fig. 18) into the rectangular holes in
the body rear wall and secure the number plate with self
tapping screws 6 and washers 5. Secure the front number
plate on the front bumper with screws 1, nuts 3 and
washers 2.
Fuel tank cap
To get access to fuel tank cap 1 open flap 2 located on
the rear part of the body right side behind the side doors.
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Starting the engine from cold
Pump some fuel into the carburettor float chamber by operating hand
priming lever 1 (Fig. 19) several times. It is advisable to per form the
above operation after a long standstill of the car.
Set the gearshift lever in the neutral and depress the clutch pedal
(which is especially expedient in cold seasons of the year).
Pull out the choke control knob.
Insert the ignition key and switch the starter without depressing the
accelerator pedal. If the engine fails to fire after the first attempt, turn
off the ignition, and repeat the starting in approximately 30 s. It is not
recommended to operate the starter for longer than 10 s.
Upon starting the engine, release the ignition key which will automatically return in position
I (Fig. 4).
At an ambient temperature below minus 25"C prior to starting give the engine crankshaft
several revolutions with the starting crank to facilitate starting. With the same aim in view,
switch on the headlights for a few seconds to warm up the storage battery electrolyte. Then
depress the clutch pedal, pull the choke knob all the way out and switch on the starter. I n
case of steady running of the engine after starting, smoothly release the clutch pedal, and, as
the engine speeds up, gradually push back the choke control knob.
At an ambient temperature below minus 25 "C and during heavy snow falls, it is
recommended to put on a winterizing cover on the radiator grille in order to intensify engine
warm-up and maintain its thermal conditions.
Starting from Hot
If the engine is hot, the choke control knob should be pushed all the way in. If the engine is
extremely hot, depress the accelerator pedal approximately one third its travel, end after
starting the engine, as soon as the engine starts running steadily (without misses), gradually
release the accelerator pedal. Do not depress the pedal repeatedly to prevent over enrichment
of the fuel mixture, which makes starting difficult.
Prior to moving off, check the position of the transfer levers;
the range shift lever must be in the HIGH position (Fig. 20), and
the differential lock lever must be in UNLOCKED position. To
move off proceed as follows: depress the clutch pedal all the
way down and throw the gearshift lever into the 1st gear (Fig.
21); release completely the parking brake lever; release the clutch
pedal slowly, and gradually depress the accelerator pedal. At
very low ambient temperatures and after a long standstill, it is
good practice to drive at least 1 Km in the 1St gear with the
differential locked and low gear in the transfer case. The engine
should run in this case at medium rpm so that the oil in the gearbox, transfer case, and front
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and rear axles gets warmed up and be comes less viscous which is absolutely necessary for
normal lubrication of the gears.
Then unlock the differential, change to the high in
the transfer case and throw the gearshift lever into
higher gears in succession. To back the car depress
the gearshift lever all the way down and then set it
in the reverse gear position. Change to the reverse
gear only when the car has come to a complete stop
Driving hints
This rather amazing section actually tells you how
to drive a Niva! - Jason
To negotiate steep upgrades and loose ground and to move at a mini mum stable speed on
hard surface roads, change to the low range in the transfer case in advance. Do that only after
bringing the car to a complete stop. To negotiate difficult sections of the road, lock the
differential; unlock it upon negotiating such sections of the road. If it is difficult to unlock the
differential on the move, do it with the car stopped. Changing from low to high and differential
locking can be performed in motion at any speed. Gear shifting and differential locking should
be done with the clutch released.
After fording, washing the car or after long time driving on wet roads, when water gets inside
the brake mechanisms, smoothly apply the brakes several times on the move with a view to
dry the discs, drums, brake pads and linings.
If possible, drive the car at moderate constant speeds. Abrupt acceleration or deceleration
and racing result in higher fuel consumption. Besides, excessive fuel consumption is caused by:
under-inflated tyres, inadequate adjustment of the carburettor idling system, worn out or foul
spark plugs, or use of thicker than prescribed engine oils (i.e. summer grade oils in winter).
While in motion, check the operation of various units and systems by watching the
corresponding gauges and warning lamps. Under normal operating conditions all red warning
lamps must be out; lighting of a lamp calls for checking the respective system.
Stopping and parking the car
To stop the car remove the foot from the accelerator pedal, depress the clutch pedal all the
way down, throw the gearshift lever into the neutral, and depress the brake pedal. The design
of the car brakes ensures efficient braking. Nevertheless, apply the brakes smoothly and
gently in all instances, avoiding abrupt braking.
When parking the car on a level ground, apply the parking brake, but when parking on a
slope, besides applying the parking brake, shift into the 1St or reverse gear, depending on
whether the car is parked on an upgrade or a downgrade.
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Running in
During the first 2.0003.000 Km:
1. Check the tyre inflation pressure and bring it to normal before each trip.
2. While in motion, and in the warm-up time after starting the engine (especially after
starting from cold) do not rev up the engine in excess of 4,000 rpm
3. Do not take heavy roads (deep mud or snow, sand and steep upgrades).
4. Avoid towing a trailer.
5. Timely shift into a lower gear in compliance with the road conditions, trying to avoid
engine over loading.
6. Do not change the engine oil filled at the Manufacturer’s. For better running-in, the
crankcase is filled with winter grade oil. Therefore, during the running-in in a hot season
the oil pressure may be somewhat lower than the rated value of 0.35 MPa (3.5 kgf/cm2),
which fact should not be considered as a symptom of trouble of the lubricating system.
Bear in mind that high reliability and long service life of all units and mechanisms of the
car largely depend on operation of the car during the running-in period.
Seat belts
The seat belts are an effective means of protecting the
driver and passengers against grave consequences of traffic
accidents. The cars are equipped with the belts of two
types: with inertia reels and without the reels. In the first
case the belts need no adjustment in length, while in the
second case adjustment is necessary. The length of the belt
should be adjusted so that a palm is free to pass between
the breast and diagonal strap 2 (Fig. 22), while waist strap 4
tightly fits the hips. The length is set by length adjuster 3.
To fasten the belt, insert tongue 5 into lock 7 until a click
is heard. Prevent twisting of the straps. Do not strap down
a child sitting on the passenger’s lap.
To unfasten the belt, press button 6 of the lock. After unfastening the belts without inertia
reels insert tongue 5 into the pocket of cover plate 1.
In case of fouling clean the straps with a soft soap solution. Never iron the belts.
If the belt has been subjected to a critical load in a traffic accident, or is chafed,
ruptured or otherwise damaged, it must be replaced with a new one.
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Adjusting the spark advance angle
While in service, sometimes it becomes necessary
to adjust the spark advance angle in order to suit the
quality of the fuel used.
Perform adjustment on a warmed up engine.
Driving the car in the high gear on a level road at a
speed of 50 km/h, abruptly depress the accelerator
pedal. If this is accompanied by slight and short
time detonation, the spark advance angle is set
correctly. In case of heavy detonation (early
ignition), note the position of the middle mark of
scale 3 (Fig. 23) on the cylinder block, loosen nut 1
and turn body 2 through 0.51 division clockwise
(towards the + sign).
In case there is no detonation (late ignition), turn body 2 through 0.51 division
counterclockwise (towards the "+" sign).
Adjustments over, tighten nut 1 and repeat checking the spark advance angle on the move.
Towing the car
For towing attach the towing cable only to front towing lugs 1 (Fig. 24) or rear towing lugs 2
provided for the purpose. Tow the car smoothly, without jerks or sharp turns.
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Basic Characteristics and Dimensions
Seating capacity, Persons
Seating capacity with back seat folded, persons
Payload, kg
4 or 5
luggage allowed, Kg Maximum
with 4 person
with 2 Persons
with driver only
Dry mass (mass of car less fuel, oil, coolant and accessories), kg
Kerb mass. (mass or car in running order less payload). Kg
Gross mass, kg
Mass of front axle, kg
Mass on rear axle, kg
Overall dimensions (at 322 mm static tyre radius), mm
Minimum road clearance, loaded, at 322 mm static tyre radius, mm:
to front suspension cross member
to rear axle beam
See Fig. 2
to engine oil sump
Minimum outer turning radius over from bumper extremity, m
Minimum outer turning radius over front wheel track axis: m
Maximum speed ***, km/h -fully loaded
-with driver and passenger only
Acceleration time *** from rest to 100 km/h through gears, s:
Maximum fuel consumption*** per 100 Km in summer, fully loaded,
L (not over):
at 90 km/h in 4th gear
under city traffic conditions
Maximum gradeability, %
Maximum braking distance, fully loaded, at 80 km/h on level section
of dry, straight asphalt road, m: (presumes good tyres)
service braking
emergency braking (ons circuit of service brakes)
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*For Short Trips
**With 330kg luggage carried, 70 kg
of it should be placed on the front
seat, and the remaining 260 kg should
be uniformly distributed over the
entire luggage compartment floor.
*** As measured by applying
special technique.
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four-stroke carburettor
Number and arrangement of cylinders
Cylinder bore and piston stroke, mm
Engine displacement. L
Compression rate
four, in-line
Rated power
ISO 1585-82, at 5,400 rpm’, kW (hp), minimum
53.7 (73.0)
Maximum torque, ISO 158582, at 3,400 rpm’, N m (kgfÆ m 114(11.6)
Minimum idling speed, rpm
Firing order
Sense of crankshaft rotation
Maximum carbon monoxide (CO) content in exhaust gases 1.5
at idling, %
Filling Capacities. Litres
Fuel tank (including reserve of 4-6.5 L)
Engine cooling system (including interior heating system)
Engine lubricating system (including oil filter)
Rear axle housing
Steering gear case
Transfer case
Front axle housing
Clutch hydraulic control system
Hydraulic brake system
Front shock absorber
Rear shock absorber
Windshield washer reservoir
Back window washer reservoir
Additional air cleaner
This image does not appear in
the original Niva manual.
Many thanks to the Royal
Auto Club of Victoria
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Main Adjustment and Test Data
Valve rocker to cam clearances (engine cold), mm
Breaker point gap, mm
0.4 +/- 0.05
End play in front wheel hub bearings, mm
set during adjustments
maximum permissible in service
Fan belt deflection under 100 N (10 kgf), mm
Spark plug gap, mm
Clutch pedal free travel, mm
coolant specific gravity at 20.C, g/cm
Brake pedal free travel (engine shut down), mm
Maximum steering wheel play (car wheels in straight ahead position)
Same, measured on wheel rim, mm
Toe in for run-in laden car *, measured between wheel rims, mm
Camber for run in laden car *, measured between wheel rim and 1-5
vertical, mm
0o30 +/- 20
Caster for run in laden car *
Kingpin inclination for run in car *
Minimum permissible thickness of brake pads and linings, mm:
front brakes
3o30 +/- 30
rear brakes
Maximum temperature of coolant in warmed up engine at ambient 95
temperature of 20-30"C with fully laden car running at 80 km/h, o C
Coolant level in expansion tank (cold engine) above MIN mark. cm.
Fluid level in brake and clutch reservoirs
edge of filler
Oil pressure in engine lubricating system at engine speed of 5,400 rpm 0.35-0.45
and oil temperature of 85 "C, MPa (kgf/cm2)
Initial spark advance angle before TDC, deg
Tyre pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2):
front wheels
rear wheels
Maximum gradient of dry firm ground where fully laden car is held 30
infinitely by parking brake, with brake lever shifted through 45 teeth
of quadrant, %
*With a load of 3,200 N (320 kgf) which corresponds to the weight of four perrons plus 400
N (40 kgf) in luggage compartment.
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