Lucent Technologies
Use r’s Gu id e
August 1999
List of Figures........................................................................................... v
List of Tables........................................................................................... vii
Chapter 1
Welcome to Cajun M770 Management ................................................... 1
Running Cajun M770 Management from Windows ..................... 2
Using Chassis View................................................................................... 4
Downloading New Agent Software ............................................... 7
Designating Managers.............................................................................. 8
Viewing Hardware Configuration .......................................................... 13
Viewing Module Configuration ............................................................. 14
Viewing Port Configuration ................................................................... 15
Enabling Ports .............................................................................. 16
Disabling Ports ............................................................................. 16
Viewing Domain Resource Unit Information ........................................ 17
Viewing ATM Clock Synchronization Configuration............................. 18
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Configuring Traps................................................................................... 21
Viewing Traps......................................................................................... 22
Assigning Severity Degrees in UNIX ...................................................... 22
Viewing Ethernet Port Counters ............................................................ 26
Enabling Port Mirroring ......................................................................... 31
Disabling Port Mirroring......................................................................... 31
Adding a Port Redundancy .................................................................... 34
Chapter 9
Sorting the List of Stations ..................................................................... 36
Saving the List of Stations ...................................................................... 36
VLANs .................................................................................................... 37
Creating and Editing VLANs................................................................... 37
Editing VLAN Names and Numbers .............................................38
Editing VLAN Member Ports ........................................................39
Allowing Inter-VLAN Communication .................................................. 40
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Appendix A
Cajun M770 Management Menus ......................................................... 41
Configuration ........................................................................................ 41
Performance ........................................................................................... 42
Administer.............................................................................................. 42
Help ........................................................................................................ 43
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Configuration Fields............................................................................... 45
Counter Fields........................................................................................ 55
Trap Fields.............................................................................................. 57
Index ...................................................................................................... 59
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Chassis View ......................................................................... 4
Figure 1.2 Chassis View Toolbar ............................................................ 5
Figure 2.1 Agent Information Window ................................................. 8
Figure 2.2 Managers Table..................................................................... 9
Figure 3.1 Device Information Dialog Box .......................................... 12
Figure 3.2 Hub Hardware Window...................................................... 13
Figure 3.3 Module Configuration Window ......................................... 14
Figure 3.4 Port Configuration Dialog Box ........................................... 15
Figure 3.5 DRUs Information Window ................................................ 17
Figure 3.6 Clock Synchronization Dialog Box ..................................... 18
Figure 4.1 Traps Configuration Dialog Box ......................................... 21
Figure 5.1 Ethernet Port Counters Window ........................................ 26
Figure 5.2 Port Error Counters Window.............................................. 27
Figure 6.1 Port Mirroring Dialog Box .................................................. 30
Figure 7.1 Port Redundancy Dialog Box.............................................. 33
Figure 8.1 Switch Connected Addresses for Device Window .............. 35
Figure 9.1 Virtual LANs for Device Dialog Box ................................... 38
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
List of Figures
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
List of Tables
Table 1.1
Chassis View Toolbar ............................................................ 5
Configuration Menu ........................................................... 41
Performance Menu ............................................................. 42
Administer Menu................................................................ 42
Help Menu .......................................................................... 43
Table A.1
Table A.2
Table A.3
Table A.4
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
List of Tables
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 1
Welcome to Cajun M770 Management
Welcome to Cajun M770 Management. This chapter provides an introduction to
the structure and assumptions of the manual. It includes the following sections:
Th e Pu rp ose an d Read ers of th is m an u al - A description of the goals of this
manual and its intended audience.
Organ ization of th e m an u al - A brief description of the subjects contained in
the various sections of the manual.
Start in g Caju n M770 Man agem en t - Instructions on how to access Cajun
M770 Management from your management platform.
Usin g Ch assis View - A brief introduction to the Cajun M770 Chassis View,
including instructions on how to select elements and use the toolbar buttons.
The Purpose of this Manual
The Cajun M770 Manager manual contains the information needed to use the
management system efficiently and effectively.
Who Should Use This Manual
This manual is intended for network managers familiar with network management
and its fundamental concepts.
Organization of this Manual
This manual is structured to reflect the following conceptual divisions:
Welcome to Cajun M770 Management - This section describes the manual’s
purpose, intended audience and organization.
Agent Configuration - Viewing and modifying the agent configuration.
Device Configuration - Viewing and modifying the different device
Managers Configuration - Selecting managers to receive network traps.
Fault Management - Selecting the traps to be sent by the network unit to the
Performance Monitoring - Viewing performance statistics for the ports in a
Cajun M770 Multifunction Device.
Port Mirroring - Configuring port mirroring on a Cajun M770 Mutifunction
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 1
Welcome to Cajun M770 Management
Port Redundancy - Setting port redundancy for ports in a Cajun M770
Multifunction Device.
Switch Connected Addresses - Viewing users and devices connected to selected
VLANs - Creating, viewing, and modifying VLANs.
Management Menus - The full menu structure of the menus in Cajun M770
Device management.
Configuration Fields - All configuration fields referenced and their descriptions.
Counter Fields - All counter fields referenced and their descriptions.
Trap Fields - All trap fields and their descriptions.
Starting Cajun M770 Management
This section provides instructions for starting Cajun M770 Management from the
various supported management umbrellas.
What To Do First
To begin:
Login to the system using your account name.
Ensure that the management platform system is running correctly.
Running Cajun M770 Management from Windows
To start Cajun M770 Management from HP OpenView:
Double-click the icon representing the Cajun M770 Multifunction Device you
want to work with.
Select a Cajun M770 Multifunction Device, open theLucent menu and select
Device Manager.
Running Cajun M770 Management from UNIX
If you are using NetView/6000:
From the Management platform map, select the Cajun M770 Multifunction
Device you wish to work with.
Open the Tools menu and select Lucent ꢀ Device Manager.
Right-click on the Cajun M770 Multifunction Device you wish to work with.
Select Lucent: Device Manager.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 1
Welcome to Cajun M770 Management
If you are using Op en View (Solaris or HPUX) or NT-OV:
From the management platform map, select the Cajun M770 Multifunction
Device you wish to work with.
in the OpenView toolbar.
Open the Tools menu and select Lucent
Device Manager.
Right-click on the Device you want, and Select Lucent: Device Manager.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 1
Welcome to Cajun M770 Management
Using Chassis View
The Cajun M770 Chassis View is a graphical representation of a Cajun M770 Device
which displays all modules installed in the chassis. This includes both Cajun M400
modules, DomainX modules, ATM modules, and M-MLS modules.
Legacy modules are only displayed in the Chassis View if there is an NMA-Rx agent
mounted in the Cajun M770. The NMA-Rx agent should be mounted in the right-
most slot (#14) of the Cajun M770. The 6U legacy modules are displayed in the
Chassis View with padding to the width and height of the new 12U modules.
Figure 1.1
Chassis View
Launching Module Managers
The Cajun M770 Manager enables you to launch the manager of a legacy module,
an ATM module, or router module from the Chassis View. To launch the manager
of one of these modules:
Select the module.
Open the Administer menu and select Launch Device Manager. The requested
manager application is launched.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 1
Welcome to Cajun M770 Management
Selecting Elements
Within the Chassis View, you can select modules and ports. To select an element,
click on it using the left mouse button. The selected element is highlighted.
To select multiple elements, press the CTRL key while clicking on each element to
be selected.
Using the Toolbar Buttons
The Toolbar provides shortcuts to the main Chassis View functions.
In a Windows environment the toolbar may be displayed as a floating horizontal
toolbar or as a docked, vertical toolbar. To display the toolbar, open the Administer
menu and select ToolBar. A check is placed next to the Toolbar option when it is
activated. To dock the toolbar, drag it to the right edge of the Chassis View. To hide
the toolbar, open the Administer menu and select ToolBar.
The table below describes the buttons on the Toolbar and gives the equivalent
menu options.
Table 1.1
Chassis View Toolbar
Menu Item
Exit the application.
Configuration Exit Zoom
View general device
Configuration Device
View the managers table.
Configuration Managers Table...
View device hardware
Configuration Device
Hardw are...
View device agent
Configuration Element
View clock synchronization
Configuration ATM Clock Sync...
Launch manager.
Administer Launch Device
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 1
Welcome to Cajun M770 Management
Table 1.1
Chassis View Toolbar (Continued)
Menu Item
VLANs. A VLAN can be
selected. All ports not
associated with that VLAN
are dimmed in the Chassis
Open on-line Help.
Help Contents
When you place the cursor on the toolbar icon for 1 second, a label appears with
the name of the button.
Using Configuration Windows
When using the configuration windows:
Click OK to upload information (if applicable) from the window to the
appropriate agent, module, or port.
Click Cancel to close the active window.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 2
Agent Configuration
Before your network or Cajun M770 will work properly, your network agents must
be properly configured. This chapter helps you properly setup and configure your
agents, and includes helpful configuration notes for the different agent types. The
following sections are included:
Gen eral Agen t In st allat ion an d Con figu rat ion - General information on
agent configuration.
Design at in g Man agers - Assigning management stations for managing the
Cajun M770 Device.
General Agent Installation and Configuration
The following topics describe how to set up and configure all Lucent Technologies
Verifying Agent Installation
Before configuring your agents, make sure that each has been properly installed.
Check that the agent has been properly connected to the device, and the IP address
and community name for the agent have been set as described in the agent's
Installation Guide.
Dow nloading New Agent Softw are
Downloading agent software is done using the Cajun Download Manager. For
instructions, please refer to the on-line help for the Cajun Download Manager, or
the Cajun Download Manager User’s Guide included in the Additional Applications User’s
View ing the Agent Information Window
Every Lucent Technologies agent has an Agent Information window which
provides you with details about the agent. To view the configuration of an agent:
Open the Configuration menu and select Element Agent. The Agent
Information window appears.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 2
Agent Configuration
Figure 2.1
Agent Information Window
The Agent Information window provides information about the main and backup
agents, such as their type, position, software version, and operational status.
For a full description of all configuration fields in the Agent Information window,
refer to Appendix B, Configuration Fields.
Designating Managers
Agents send alarms to Managers’ workstations that are on the agent's Manager list.
Alarms will not be sent out to any other network management stations (NMS).
If you want to properly manage a device, your station should be one of its
designated Managers. The Manager can be a Cajun M770 Management station or
any other SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) management console.
Note: It is recommended to keep the list limited to actual and relevant managers so
as not to place undue stress on the network.
Note: Refer to the Cajun M770 Installation Guide for an out-of-band method for
editing a device's Manager list.
View ing the Managers Table
To view the list of Managers:
on the toolbar.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 2
Agent Configuration
Open the Configuration menu and select Managers Table. The Managers Table
dialog box appears.
Figure 2.2
Managers Table
The dialog box lists the IP addresses, node names of the Managers, and their trap
reporting status.
Adding Managers to the Managers Table
To add managers to the list:
Click on the IP address field and enter the IP address of the designated
management station. When the change takes effect, the management station’s
name will be displayed automatically in the Device Name column.
Repeat the procedure for each manager.
Click OK. The change takes effect immediately.
Note: The indicated manager will receive traps only when Trap Reports for that
manager is enabled.
Removing Managers from the Managers Table
To remove managers from the list:
Click on the IP address field and enter
Repeat the procedure for each manager.
Click OK. The change takes effect immediately.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 2
Agent Configuration
Updating the Managers Table
To edit the managers list:
Click on the IP address field and change the IP address of the designated
management station. When the change takes effect, the management station’s
name will be displayed automatically in the Device Name column.
Repeat the procedure for each manager.
Click OK. The change takes effect immediately.
To close the Managers Table dialog box, click Cancel.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Device Configuration
This chapter explains how to view and set the various configuration parameters
relevant to devices on your network. It includes the following sections:
View in g Device In form at ion - View device information about the
Cajun M770 Device.
View in g Hard w are Con figu ration - View power supply parameters of the
Cajun M770 Device.
View in g Mod u le Con figu rat ion - View information for the Cajun M770
View in g Port Con figu ration - View information specific to the ports of the
Cajun M770 modules.
DomainXs of the Cajun M770 Device.
View in g ATM Clock Syn ch ron izat ion Con figu rat ion - View clock
synchronization parameters for the Cajun M770 Device.
Reset tin g Elem en ts - Reset various elements of the Cajun M770 Device.
Note: To view agent configuration, refer to Chapter 2, Agent Configuration.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Device Configuration
Viewing Device Information
The Device Information dialog box provides high-level information specific to the
selected Cajun M770 Device. To view the Device Information dialog box:
Open the Configuration menu and select Device Information. The Device
Information dialog box appears.
Figure 3.1
Device Information Dialog Box
The Device Information dialog box provides detailed information about the device
MAC address, and any faults that may have occurred on the device.
To apply any changes made to the information in the Device Information dialog
box, click OK.
To close the Device Information dialog box, click Cancel.
For a full description of all fields in the Device Information dialog box, refer to
Appendix B, Configuration Fields.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Device Configuration
Viewing Hardware Configuration
The Hub Hardware window provides information about the presence and status of
Power Supply Units (PSUs) and fans. To view hardware parameters from Chassis
Open the Configuration menu and select Device Hardw are. The Hub Hardware
window appears.
Figure 3.2
Hub Hardware Window
The Hub Hardware window shows the location, type, HW version, and status of the
Power Supply Units (PSUs), and the status of the cooling fans.
For a full description of all configuration fields in the Hardware Information
window, refer to Appendix B, Configuration Fields.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Device Configuration
Viewing Module Configuration
The Device Configuration window provides you with information specific to a
selected module. To view the configuration of a Cajun M770 module:
Select a module by clicking on its label.
Open the Configuration menu and select Element Module.
Double-click on the module label. The Module Configuration window appears.
Figure 3.3
Module Configuration Window
The Module Configuration dialog box provides detailed information about the
version of its software, and its DRU usage.
To apply any changes made to the information in the Module Configuration dialog
box, click OK.
To close the Module Configuration dialog box, click Cancel.
For a full description of all configuration fields in the Module Configuration dialog
box, refer to Appendix B, Configuration Fields.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Device Configuration
Viewing Port Configuration
The Port Configuration dialog box provides you with information specific to a
selected port. To view the configuration of a port:
Select a port by clicking on it.
Open the Configuration menu and select Element
Double-click on a port symbol.
Right-click on a port and select Port Configuration. The Port Configuration
dialog box appears.
Figure 3.4
Port Configuration Dialog Box
The Port Configuration dialog box provides detailed information about the port,
such as the port type, its status, mode of operation, classification, and any faults
with the port. The information fields in Port Configuration dialog box may vary
according to the type of port selected.
For a full description of all configuration fields in the Port Configuration dialog box,
refer to Appendix B, Configuration Fields.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Device Configuration
Enabling Ports
To enable a port:
Select the port in the Chassis View.
Open the Configuration menu and select Enable Port. A confirmation box
Click Yes. The port is enabled.
Right-click on the port and select Enable Port. A confirmation box appears.
Click Yes. The port is enabled.
Open the Port Configuration dialog box.
Change the Administration Status to enabled.
Click OK to apply the change. The port is enabled.
To enable more than one port:
Select multiple ports by holding down the CTRL key as you click on the ports.
Open the Configuration menu and select Enable Port. A confirmation box
Click Yes. The selected ports are enabled.
Disabling Ports
To disable a port:
Select the port in the Chassis View.
Open the Configuration menu and select Disable Port. A confirmation box
Click Yes. The port is disabled.
Right-click on the port and select Disable Port. A confirmation box appears.
Click Yes. The port is disabled.
Open the Port Configuration dialog box.
Change the Administration Status to disabled.
Click OK to apply the change. The port is disabled.
To disable more than one port:
Select multiple ports by holding down the CTRL key as you click on the ports.
Open the Configuration menu and select Disable Port. A confirmation box
Click Yes. The selected ports are disabled.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Device Configuration
Viewing Domain Resource Unit Information
Each DomainX in the Cajun M770 Device has a total of 100 available DRUs. The
DRUs Information window provides DRU usage information for each DomainX. To
view the DRUs Information window:
Open the Configuration menu and choose DRUs. The DRU Information window
Figure 3.5
DRUs Information Window
The DRUs Information window provides DRU information separately for the left
and right DomainX. This information includes the type, slot numbers, and DRU
information for each module in the device, and the total number of DRUs in use.
For a full description of all configuration fields in the DRUs Information window,
refer to Appendix B, Configuration Fields.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Device Configuration
Viewing ATM Clock Synchronization Configuration
Some multimedia applications, such as voice, require that a single clock is
propagated throughout the network. The clock source is usually a Public Telco
switch connected to a local PBX through a telephony network. Using the Cajun
M770 ATM Device, up to four external references can be configured, two from
ATM ports and two from external E1/T1 sources. These are all directed to the
M-SPS module which selects one of them to be the source input timing device. It
uses the selected source to generate a 19.44MHz clock which is distributed to all
modules. This is used by all ATM ports to synchronize Sonet frames.
The ATM Clock Synchronization dialog box provides information about the
method currently configured for synchronizing the clocks in the Cajun M770
To view and edit clock synchronization parameters from Chassis View:
Open the Configuration menu and select ATM Clock Sync. The ATM Clock
Synchronization dialog box appears.
Figure 3.6
Clock Synchronization Dialog Box
The ATM Clock Synchronization dialog box shows the module type, status, and
current source of clock synchronization. It also provides a table of clock
synchronization parameters for all the clock sources, and allows you to edit their
To edit the configuration of a clock synchronization source:
Select one of the sources from the table.
Modify the parameters in the Row Configuration area of the dialog box.
Click OK. The configuration of the clock source is modified.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Device Configuration
can be used as a clock synchronization source. Suitable modules/ports are:
Ports 1 and 2 on M15-155 modules with C/S 2.0 or higher.
All ports on M3-622 modules with C/S 1.0 or higher.
For a full description of all configuration fields in the ATM Clock Synchronization
dialog box, refer to Appendix B, Configuration Fields.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Device Configuration
Resetting Elements
You can reset the entire Cajun M770 Device or various elements of the device
without resetting the entire device.
Resetting the Device
To reset the entire device with all its modules and subsystems:
Open the Configuration menu and select Reset Device. The entire device is
Resetting the Agent
To reset the M-SPV/M-SPX/M-SPS agent of the device:
Open the Configuration menu and select Reset Agent. The
M-SPV/M-SPX/M-SPS agent CPU is reset. No other modules in the device are
Resetting the Sw itch
To reset the agent and modules in the left DomainX:
Open the Configuration menu and select Reset DomainX DomainXL.
To reset the agent and modules in the right DomainX:
Open the Configuration menu and select Reset DomainX DomainXR.
Only the selected DomainX is reset.
Resetting the Module
To reset an individual module:
Select a module.
Open the Configuration menu and select Reset Module. Only the selected
module is reset.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 4
Fault Management
This chapter explains how to configure and view traps on your network. It includes
the following sections:
Con figu rin g Trap s - Defining the types of traps that will be sent to the
managers and alarm log.
View in g Trap s - Viewing the traps sent by the agent.
In UNIX and Windows NT:
Severit y Degrees - Defining, accessing and understanding severity degrees.
Configuring Traps
A trap is an SNMP message sent by the agent to its managers. Trap messages may
appear in the Configuration Windows of the port or module affected, in addition to
being sent to the management stations listed in the Manager’s Table. You can set
the types of traps the unit will forward to the management station you are
To configure traps:
Open the Configuration menu and select Traps. The Traps Configuration dialog
box appears.
Figure 4.1
Traps Configuration Dialog Box
Enable the types of traps you want forwarded to the management station you
are configuring.
Click OK to apply any changes.
To close the Traps Configuration dialog box, click Cancel.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 4
Fault Management
For a full description of all traps in the Traps Configuration dialog box, refer to
Appendix D, Trap Fields.
Viewing Traps
Traps that are sent by the agent to its managers may be viewed in two places:
In the appropriate configuration dialog box.
In the event log.
View ing Traps in a Dialog Box
A list of traps sent by the agent is maintained by the management application. The
list can be viewed in a dropdown list box in the Device Information, Module
Configuration, and Port Configuration dialog boxes.
View ing Traps in the Event Log
HP OpenView maintains a list of all traps sent by the agents on the network. They
may be viewed by opening the Event Log from the HP OpenView network map
window. For a full description of the Event Log, refer to the HP OpenView
Administrator’s Guide.
Assigning Severity Degrees (UNIX and NT-OV Only)
Management applications, using the Event Configuration application, allow you to
set fault severity degrees system-wide, (for all devices on the network
simultaneously), or for specific devices (per IP). If the system-wide setting and an
individual device’s setting disagree, the individual device’s setting takes precedence.
For more information refer to Severity Degrees in The Reference Guide.
Accessing Severity Degrees
Only events whose category is “Status Events” affect the device’s status. Events in
this category may be found under the enterprises Lannet (. and
CajunM770 (.
Severity degree settings may be accessed from the Event Configuration application.
To open the Event Configuration application:
From the umbrella management application, open the Tools menu and select
Lucent Event Configuration.
Open the Options menu and select Event Configuration. The Event
Configuration application appears.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 4
Fault Management
Editing Severity Degrees
Severity degrees may be changed for faults on a system-wide basis, or for specific
devices (per IP).
Caution: Do not change the Event Object Identifier of a fault.
Editing Severity Degrees System-Wide
To edit severity degree settings system-wide:
Select the enterprise which contains the fault whose settings you want to edit.
A list of the faults under the enterprise appears in the Event Identification
Select the fault whose settings you want to edit.
Open the Edit menu and select Modify Event.
Double-click the fault whose settings you want to edit. The Event Configurator
window appears.
Change the severity setting using the Severity pull-down list.
Click OK.
Save the changes.
— In HP OpenView and NT-OV: Select File
— In NetView: Click Apply.
Editing Severity Degrees for Specific Devices
To edit severity degree settings for specific devices:
Select the enterprise which contains the fault whose settings you want to edit.
A list of the faults under the enterprise appear in the Event Identification
Select the fault whose settings you want to edit.
Copy the fault by opening the Edit menu and selecting Copy Event. The Event
Configurator window appears.
Enter a name for the fault in the Event Name field.
Set Source to the IP address/es of the specific device/s you want the changes to
be effective on.
Change the severity setting using the Severity pull-down list.
Click OK.
Save the changes.
— In HP OpenView and NT-OV: Select File
— In NetView: Click Apply.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 4
Fault Management
Note: All changes to the severity degrees will only take effect after the changes are
Refer to the HPOV Event Configuration application help for more information.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 5
Performance Monitoring
This chapter explains the performance monitoring options of supported devices. It
includes the following sections:
View in g Eth ern et Port Cou n t ers - Provides a breakdown of the packets
going through each port.
View in g Eth ern et Error Port Cou n ters - Displays different Ethernet Error
counters for the Cajun M770 ports.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 5
Performance Monitoring
Viewing Ethernet Port Counters
Port Counters allow you to accurately view the packet flow activity of each port in
the . Once you learn what is normal packet activity for your network, Ethernet Port
Counters will help you determine network malfunctions, bottlenecks and
overloaded ports.
To view Ethernet Port Counters from Chassis View:
Select a port or ports to be monitored.
— To select a single port, click on the port’s symbol.
— To select multiple ports, hold the CTRL key as you click on additional ports.
— To select all Ethernet ports of a DomainX module, click on the module’s
Open the Performance menu and select Port Counters. The Ethernet Port
Counters window appears.
Figure 5.1
Ethernet Port Counters Window
Click Clear Counters to reset all the counter values to 0. The exact time you click
this button will be entered in the Counters Cleared At field. When you click Clear
Counters the counters are not reset on the agent.
To close the Ethernet Port Counters dialog box, click Cancel.
For a full description of all Ethernet port counters, refer to Appendix C, Counter
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 5
Performance Monitoring
Viewing Ethernet Port Error Counters
As part of a proactive fault management system, or if you suspect that something is
wrong, you may want to monitor port error counters.
To view Ethernet Port Error Counters from Chassis View:
Select a port or ports to be monitored.
— To select a single port, click on the port’s symbol.
— To select multiple ports, hold the CTRL key as you click on additional ports.
— To select all Ethernet ports of a DomainX module, click on the module’s
Open the Performance menu and select Port Error Counters. The Port Error
Counters window appears.
Figure 5.2
Port Error Counters Window
Click Clear Counters to reset all the counter values to 0. The exact time you click
this button will be entered in the Counters Cleared At field. When you click Clear
Counters the counters are not reset on the agent.
To close the Port Error Counters dialog box, click Cancel.
For a full description of all Ethernet Port Error Counters, refer to Appendix C,
Counter Fields.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 5
Performance Monitoring
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 6
Port Mirroring
Port Mirroring copies all received and transmitted packets (including local traffic)
from a source port to a predefined destination port, in addition to the normal
destination port of the packets. The source and destination ports must be located in
the same DomainX.
For more information, refer to Port Mirroring in The Reference Guide.
This section explains how to configure a device’s ports to use Port Mirroring, and
Accessin g Port Mirrorin g - Describes how to access the Port Mirroring dialog
En ablin g Port Mirrorin g - Describes how to enable and define source and
destination modules and ports.
Disablin g Port Mirrorin g - Describes how to disable port mirrors.
Note: Port Mirroring is not permitted when there is no link on the destination
Caution: Do not change the VLAN of the source or destination port while the port
mirroring mechanism is operating.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 6
Port Mirroring
Accessing Port Mirroring
To open the Port Mirroring dialog box for a DomainX:
Open the Configuration menu, and select Port Mirroring
left DomainX.
DomainXL for the
Open the Configuration menu, and select Port Mirroring
right DomainX. The Port Mirroring dialog box appears.
DomainXR for the
Note: When none of the ports in the switch support Port Mirroring, the Port
Mirroring option in the Configuration menu is inactive.
Figure 6.1
Port Mirroring Dialog Box
The Port Mirroring dialog box displays configuration options for setting source and
destination ports, current source and destination ports, and the Port Mirroring
For a full description of all configuration fields in the Port Mirroring dialog box,
refer to Appendix B, Configuration Fields.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 6
Port Mirroring
Enabling Port Mirroring
To enable port mirroring, you must define a source and destination port.
Note: Only a single pair of ports can be defined for port mirroring on each
To enable Port Mirroring for the DomainX:
In the Port Mirroring dialog box, open the Port Monitoring drop-down list (refer
to Figure 6.1) and select Enable.
Define source and destination ports in one of the following ways:
From the Module drop-down list, select a module number and a port
In the Chassis View click on the port you want to set.
In the Port Mirroring dialog box, click Select from Zoom. The port and
module numbers appear in the Port Mirroring dialog box (refer to Figure
Click OK.
Port Mirroring.
Disabling Port Mirroring
To disable Port Mirroring:
In the Port Mirroring dialog box, open the Port Monitoring drop-down list (refer
to Figure 6.1) and select Disable.
Click OK.
Received and transmitted packets are not copied from one port to another.
To close the Port Mirroring dialog box, click Cancel.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 6
Port Mirroring
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 7
Port Redundancy
Port Redundancy enables you to define a redundancy relationship between any
two ports in a device. One port is defined as the primary port and the other as the
secondary port. In case the primary port fails, the secondary port will take over.
This connection between the two ports is called a Port Redundancy.
For more information refer to Redundancy in The Reference Guide.
Viewing Port Redundancy Information
To access Port Redundancy:
Open the Configuration menu and select Softw are Redundancy. The Port
Redundancy dialog box appears.
Figure 7.1
Port Redundancy Dialog Box
The Port Redundancy dialog box provides a list of all port redundancies established
on the device, with their respective primary and secondary ports.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 7
Port Redundancy
Adding a Port Redundancy
To designate a port redundancy connection:
In the Port Redundancy dialog box, enter a name for the redundancy in the
Redundancy Name field. For example, Redund1.
Note: The name for a redundancy may not contain any spaces.
Select a primary port from the Primary field.
Select a secondary port from the Secondary field.
Click Add.
The new port redundancy is added to the list of existing port redundancies.
To close the Port Redundancy dialog box, click Cancel.
Note: Ports that have already been designated in one redundancy scheme, may not
be selected for another one.
Editing a Port Redundancy
To edit an existing redundancy connection:
In the Port Redundancy dialog box, click on the redundancy connection you
wish to edit. The connection information appears in the boxes at the bottom of
the Port Redundancy window.
Change the information as desired.
Click Update.
The current port redundancy in the list is updated according to the modifications
Deleting a Port Redundancy
To delete a port redundancy connection:
In the Port Redundancy dialog box, click on the redundancy connection you
wish to delete.
Click Delete.
The port redundancy is deleted from the list.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 8
Switch Connected Addresses
Networks are becoming increasingly complicated entities. It is not always clear
which users are connected to the network and how. The Switch Connected
Addresses feature allows you to see which users and devices are connected to
selected ports or modules. Keeping track of this information in the network can
increase efficiency, security and confidentiality.
Switch Connected Addresses provides a list of all selected ports along with the
names (IP address or host name), if available, and MAC addresses of the elements
connected to them.
To view the connected stations:
Open the Configuration menu and select Sw itch Connected Addresses. The
Switch Connected Addresses for Device window appears.
Figure 8.1
Switch Connected Addresses for Device Window
The rows of the Switch Connected Addresses window comprise the following
Mod u le - The number of the module and the module type.
Port /Ban k - The number of the port in the module.
List of st ation s con n ect ed to p ort - When a port is selected, the stations
connected to the port are listed. These stations can be sorted by the MAC
address or host name, or they can be left unsorted.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 8
Switch Connected Addresses
Sorting the List of Stations
To sort the list of stations, open the drop-down list in the Sort Method field and
select a field. The list is immediately sorted upon selection of a sort field.
Saving the List of Stations
The list of stations connected to the port may be saved as a text file by clicking the
Save As button. The Save As dialog box will open and prompt you for the directory
and file name you wish to save the list to. This list can then be referenced in the
future using any text editor.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 9
This chapter provides all the information and instructions you need to use virtual
LANs. It includes the following sections:
Creat in g an d Ed itin g VLANs - Explains how to access and edit the VLAN
Allow in g In t er-VLAN Com m u n ication - Explains how you can allow
selected users to have access to all the VLANs.
For more information about VLANs, refer to VLANs in The Reference Guide.
Creating and Editing VLANs
The building blocks of VLANs are switch ports. To build a new VLAN you need to
select a VLAN name and number and then decide which switch ports will be
members of the VLAN.
The default VLAN on the Cajun M770 Device can be set to VLAN 0 (Generic) or
VLAN 1 (Default) using the command line interface. For more information, refer to
The Cajun M770 User’s Guide. You can change the VLAN configuration on a per port
In order to be compliant with the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN standard, you have to modify
ports with VLAN 0 to another VLAN.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 9
Accessing the VLAN List
To create or edit VLAN names, numbers or component switch ports you need to
access the VLAN list:
Open the Configuration menu and select Virtual LANs. The Virtual LANs for
Device dialog box appears.
Figure 9.1
Virtual LANs for Device Dialog Box
The left column of the Virtual LANs for Device dialog box lists all VLAN names and
numbers. Click on a name to select a VLAN. The right column lists member switch
ports of the currently selected VLAN.
Editing VLAN Names and Numbers
To add to the list of VLANs:
Click on the LAN # box and enter a number between 1 and 254 that does not
already exist in the Virtual LAN list.
Click on the LAN Name box and enter a VLAN name. Any name can be used.
Click Add VLAN. The new VLAN will be added to the All Virtual LANs list.
To delete from the list of Virtual LANs:
Select the VLAN you wish to delete.
Click Delete VLAN. The VLAN disappears from the list. If there were any
elements left on the Assigned Members list you will be asked for confirmation
and those elements will be deleted from the VLAN and placed in the default
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 9
Editing VLAN Member Ports
To assign ports to VLANs:
Arrange the windows so you can see the Virtual LANs for Device dialog box
and the Chassis View at the same time.
From the All Virtual LANs List, select the VLAN you wish to edit.
In the Chassis View, click on the ports you wish to add to the VLAN (use CTRL-
click to select multiple ports). By selecting a DomainX module (use CTRL-click
to select multiple modules), you select all ports contained within those
Click Add Zoom Sel in the Virtual LANs for Device dialog box. The selected
switch ports are assigned to the selected VLAN and automatically deleted from
any other VLAN.
Note: To view the ports associated with a specific VLAN, choose the VLAN from
the VLAN dropdown listbox on the Zoom View toolbar. The active ports associated
with the chosen VLAN will remain highlighted. All other ports will be dimmed.
To disassociate switch ports from VLANs:
From the Virtual LANs for Device dialog box, select the VLAN you wish to edit
from the All Virtual LANs list.
On the Assigned Members list, locate and click on the switch port you wish to
Click Remove. The port is removed from the list and automatically reassigned
to the default VLAN. Repeat this procedure for every port you wish to remove
from the VLAN.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 9
Allowing Inter-VLAN Communication
Individual switch ports may be given the status of “Global Port”. Global ports can
communicate with all VLANs. This feature has many uses:
Executives or administrators in a company can give their switch ports Global
port status so they can access all VLANs.
A server attached to a Global port can serve many VLANs.
Indirect communication between VLANs can be arranged. Via a server attached
to the Global port, packets (mail, for example) may be transferred to any VLAN.
To give the status of Global Port to a switch port:
From the Chassis View, open the Configuration menu and select Virtual LANs.
Arrange the windows so you can see the Virtual LANs for Device dialog box
and the Chassis View at the same time.
From the Virtual LANs list, select Global (# 255).
In the Chassis View, select the switch port you want to set to Global Port status
(use CTRL-click to select multiple switch ports).
Click Add Zoom Sel. The selected switch parts are assigned to Global and
automatically deleted from any other VLAN.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Cajun M770 Management Menus
This appendix gives the full menu structure of the menus in the Cajun M770
management application.
Table A.1
Configuration Menu
Device Information
Element Agent
Element Module
Displays information about the device.
Displays configuration information for an agent.
Displays configuration information for a module.
Element Port
Displays configuration information for a port.
Enable Ports
Enables the selected port/s.
Disable Ports
Disables the selected port/s.
Displays trap configuration information.
Displays managers configuration information.
Managers Table
Softw are Redundancy
Displays and enables configuration of software
Device Hardw are
Displays the device hardware information.
Port Mirroring
Displays and enables configuration of port
mirroring on the left DomainX.
Port Mirroring
Displays and enables configuration of port
mirroring on the right DomainX.
Virtual LANs
Displays and enables configuration of virtual LANs.
Sw itch Connected
Displays a list of stations connected to each of the
device’s ports.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Table A.1
Configuration Menu (Continued)
Displays Domain Resource Unit usage for the right
and left DomainX.
ATM Clock Sync
Displays clock synchronization information.
Reset Device
Resets the entire hub with all its modules and
Reset Agent
Resets the M-SPV agent CPU only.
Resets the left DomainX.
Reset DomainX
Reset DomainX
Resets the right DomainX.
Reset Module
Resets the selected module.
Exits Chassis View.
Exit Zoom
Table A.2
Performance Menu
Port Counters
Displays information about packets of information
received by and sent from a given port.
Port Errors Counters
Displays information about packets of information
received by a given port that generated errors.
Table A.3
Administer Menu
Launch Device Manager
Launches the Cajun M400 Manager, the Cajun
M770 ATM Manager, or the Cajun Routing
Manager, depending on the module selected.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Table A.3
Administer Menu (Continued)
Launches the Cajun SMONMaster application if an
SMON probe exists in the device.
Toggles the toolbar on and off.
Table A.4
Help Menu
Opens the on-line help for information.
About Cajun M770
Copyright information about the Cajun M770
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Configuration Fields
Field Name
Activity Status
The port activity status:
Active - The port is enabled, and data is
transferred through the port.
Dorm an t - The port is enabled, but data is not
transferred through it, e.g., because the port acts
as the backup port in a pair of redundant ports.
Not Active - The port is disabled.
Administration Status
Administrative Status
The state of the port:
En abled - The port is enabled and can transmit
and receive packets.
Disabled - The port is disabled and cannot
transmit or receive packets.
The state of the selected port, ports, or ports in the
selected LAG:
En abled - The port is enabled and can transmit
and receive packets.
Disabled - The port is disabled and cannot
transmit or receive packets.
Auto Negotiation
The configured state of the Auto-Negotiation
protocol between two stations. When enabled,
Auto-Negotiation detects the highest common
denominator for the flow control capabilities of the
endstations, and sets both to the same highest
common setting. It also delivers remote link status.
For more information, refer to Auto-Negotiation on
page 10 of The Reference Guide.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Field Name
Clock Admin State
The administered clock synchronization state of the
M-SPS module. Possible states are:
enable - Clock synchronization is enabled on
the device.
disable, use Internal Clock - Clock
synchronization is disabled on the M-SPS
module. The M-SPS module uses its internal
low accuracy (±20 ppm) oscillator.
Clock Status
The status of clock synchronization on the device.
Possible statuses are:
locked - The M-SPS module is using a clock
which is locked to the input timing source.
holdover - The M-SPS module is simulating a
clock to which it was previously locked. This
state will last until the clock source is fixed.
free_running - The M-SPS module is using its
±4.6 ppm oscillator to generate timing. This only
occurs after a reset when there are no healthy
timing sources available or when all four
sources are configured with a priority of 0.
internal - Clock synchronization is disabled and
the M-SPS module is using its low accuracy
(±20 ppm) internal oscillator to generate timing.
Configuration Symbol
For Module Configuration: The version of the
module. The version is updated whenever there is a
functional modification to the module.
For Agent Configuration: The version of the
hardware and firmware of the agent.
Connected To
The DomainX to which the selected module is
connected - Dom ain XL for the left DomainX and
Dom ain XR for the right DomainX.
Current Source
The current source clock used for clock
synchronization. Possible sources are:
ATM A/B - An ATM port on the device.
SYNC A/B - An external source connected to the
front panel of the M-SPS.
none - No recognizable clock source.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Field Name
Device Type
The device type.
Domain Resource Units
The number of Domain Resource Units for the
A list of faults.
The framing type of the external clock source.
Possible types are:
For M-SPS/T:
For ATM A/B:
HW Version
Hardware version of the power supply. Stored in
X.0 format, where X=1,2,....
MAC Address
The MAC address of the device, agent, or ring
Module Type
The module type.
Number of Ports
Operational Status
The number of ports located on the module.
The status of a redundancy element, generally a
port. On the Cajun M770 Device, it may refer to
the status of the redundancy agent.
Possible statuses are:
En abled - The redundant element is enabled.
Disabled - The redundant element is disabled.
Active - The redundant element is currently
In active, Dorm an t - The redundant element is
enabled but not active.
For more information refer to Redundancy on page
39 of The Reference Guide.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Field Name
Port Classification
The level of importance of the port. Ports are
classified as follows:
Back bon e - device or switch connections (most
Valu able - servers or critical users (less
Regu lar - normal users (least important).
For more information refer to Port Classification on
page 36 of The Reference Guide.
Port Functionality
The physical media type of the selected port. If the
port conforms to a certain standard (Repeater,
Transceiver, 10BaseT, etc.), this standard is
displayed. If the port does not conform to any
standard, Private is displayed.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Field Name
Port Mode
The operational mode of the port or ports on the
module. Not all modules support all modes. Both
sides of the link must be in the same mode. Flow
Control and ISL (Interswitch Link) are
recommended for backbone links with Lucent
Technologies’ equipment. Note that the Port Speed
field will be insensitive if the Use Switches field is
set to ON.
The components which make up the mode are:
Half Du p lex (HDX) - The port operates in Half
Fu ll Du p lex (FDX) -The port operates in Full
Duplex and doubles its speed. No repeaters are
allowed in the path.
Flow Con trol (FC) - Flow Control is a
proprietary mechanism that prevents packet loss
on the link due to congestion in the Full Duplex
In tersw itch Lin k (ISL) - Interswitch Link is a
proprietary mechanism to tag packets with
VLAN and priority information across the
backbone. This allows two Lucent devices to act
as a single logical entity.
The possible modes are:
Half Du p lex (HDX)
Fu ll Du p lex (FDX)
Fu ll Du p lex an d Flow Con trol (FDX+FC)
Fu ll Du p lex an d In tersw it ch Lin k
Fu ll Du p lex, Flow Con t rol, an d In t ersw itch
Lin k (FDX+FC+ISL)
Port Speed
The Ethernet speed of the port. Port speed can be
either Ethernet (10 Mbps), Fast Ethernet (100
Mbps), or Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Mbps). Some
units have
10BaseT/100BaseTX ports, where each port can
work in either 10Mbps or 100Mbps.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Field Name
Port STA State
The state of the port in terms of the Spanning Tree
Protocol. The possible states are:
Disabled - The port is disabled.
Block in g - STP is enabled and currently
blocking the port. This means that the port is
effectively disabled to prevent the formation of a
loop in the network.
Forw ard in g - The port is currently forwarding
information received.
For more information refer to Spanning Tree
Algorithm (STA) on page 27 of The Reference Guide.
Port Type
The port type; optionally includes reference to the
module to which it is attached and port connector
The position of the main and backup agent (either
1 or 2) within the device.
Propagate Status
The state of status propagation on the port or
module. When enabled, the status of a port or
module is passed up one level.
For example, when the Propagate Status field of a
problematic port is enabled, the port’s icon as well
as the module that the port is located on appears
red. If Propagate Status is disabled, only the port
icon appears red.
The following colors indicate the status of the port
or module:
Red - Fatal
Grey - Disabled (port only)
Yellow - Warning
Green - Okay
By default, status propagation is enabled for all
ports and modules.
S/W Port Redundancy
S/W Version
The state of the port redundancy function between
two ports. Possible states are on and off.
The version of the application software running on
the module or agent.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Field Name
Serial Number
A unique number assigned by Lucent Technologies
to the selected hardware.
Slot Number
The slot number in which the module is located.
Slots are numbered from left to right, starting with
number 1 as the leftmost slot.
This number may be 1 - 14. The agent module is
inserted in either slot 15 or 16. A module which
occupies two enclosure slots, will be identified by
the number of the second slot (the right-hand slot).
The slot number is the position in which the
module is located. There can be up to 5 modules in
a device. The Slot Number is set using the rotary
switch on the back panel of the device.
The timing source whose parameters appear in the
table row. Possible sources are:
ATM A - An ATM port on the Cajun M770 ATM
ATM B - An ATM port on the Cajun M770 ATM
SYNC A - An external source connected to the
front panel of the M-SPS module.
SYNC B - An external source connected to the
front panel of the M-SPS module.
Source Port
The configured timing source port for clock
synchronization. The source port can be one of the
ATM ports on the Cajun M770 ATM switch or an
E1/T1 external source connected to the M-SPS
front panel. Suitable ATM ports/modules are:
Ports 1 & 2 on M15-155 modules with C/S 2.0
or higher.
All ports on M3-622 modules with C/S 1.0 or
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Field Name
Source Priority
The priority of the timing source. The source with
the highest priority that is healthy will be selected
as the current source. The valid range of priorities
disable - The source is disabled.
1 - 4 - 4 is the highest.
Source Status
The status of the timing source. Possible statuses
ok - The timing source is healthy and is detected
on this source.
loss of signal - The timing source is not
detected on this source.
failed - The timing source is detected but is not
Spanning Tree Algorithm
The state of Spanning Tree Protocol. Possible states
Disabled - STA is disabled. This is the default
En abled - STA is enabled.
When activating STA, keep in mind that:
All bridges should run STA.
Redundancy applications and STA cannot co-
The Security application and STA cannot co-
STA can be activated in Cajun P110 only when
an agent module exists. Standalone modules
(including Cajun P113F and Cajun P117
Devices) cannot run STA.
For more information refer to Spanning Tree
Algorithm (STA) on page 27 of The Reference Guide.
System Contact
Individual responsible for maintenance of the
System Description
System Location
A description of the type of system being used.
The physical location of the device.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Field Name
System Name
Logical name of the system as defined on the SNMP
agent of the device.
The agent type.
Upper Backplane
The configuration of the upper backplane of the
Cajun M770 device, used for ATM switch modules.
Possible values are:
Not Installed - No upper backplane is installed.
The device can not operate as an ATM switch.
Single Domain - The upper backplane supports a
configuration of one ATM switch for all 14 slots.
Dual Domain - The upper backplane supports a
configuration of two separate ATM switches.
One switch includes slots 1 - 7, the other switch
includes slots 8 - 14.
Use Switches (Mode)
The state of the usage of hardware switches. The
mode is set to use switches (on ) or not to use
switches (off).
The state of VIDP (VLAN Information Distribution
Protocol). Possible states are “enabled” and
For more information refer to VIDP on page 13 of
The Reference Guide.
VLAN Bridging
VLAN Bridging allows a station on one VLAN to
communicate with a station on a another VLAN
using the bridging capabilities of the M-MLS router.
To enable this feature, the M-MLS router must be
configured to enable bridging between specific
Possible values of the VLAN Bridging field are:
en abled - If bridging has been configured on
the M-MLS router, the switch allows
communication between the VLANs specified in
the M-MLS router.
d isabled - The switch does not allow inter-
VLAN communication.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Field Name
The VLAN number of the port. Valid VLAN
numbers are from 1 - 3071.
VLAN Number
, ports on the module, or the agentChange the
number in this field to move the port to another
VLAN. A port which is part of the Generic network
will have the VLAN Number 0 (zero), and a port
which is part of the Global network will have the
VLAN Number 255. This field is relevant only if the
Routing Mode field (if it exists) is set to Virtual
The number is assigned when the network is
defined, using the VLAN option of the
Configuration menu. The VLAN Number can also
be assigned using the VLANs option in the
Configuration dialog box.
Important: The VLAN # of an agent must be set to
one of the existing LAN numbers for a port of the
device housing the agent (otherwise, you might not
be able to communicate with the agent).
Wait Time to Restore
The amount of time the M-SPS module waits
before trying to lock onto a healthy timing source
with a higher priority. The valid range is from 10 -
3600 seconds.
If you do not want the device to return to a higher
priority source unless all of the current sources fail,
set this parameter to infinity by checking the
Infinity checkbox. 9999 is displayed in the Wait
Time to Restore field.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Counter Fields
Broadcast Pkts Received
Total number of broadcast packets that entered the
Ethernet port.
Total number of Ethernet collisions in which the
port was involved.
CRC Alignment
Total number of Ethernet packets received at this
port with FCS error and Framing error. This
indicates the number of corrupted packets received.
Filtered Error Packets
Total number of error packets (CRC, alignment, or
excessive length errors) that entered the Ethernet
Total number of Ethernet packets received at this
port whose octet count is less than the minimum
standard packet length.
Frames Too Long
Total number of Ethernet packets received at this
port whose octet count is greater than the
maximum standard packet length.
Good Packets Sent
Good Pkts Received
Total number of packets of legal length without
errors that were sent by the Ethernet port.
Total number of packets of legal length without
errors that entered the Ethernet port.
Total number of Ethernet packets received at this
port that are too long and include CRC errors.
Late Collisions
Total number of Ethernet packets received at this
port that have late collision errors.
Module & Port
The number of the module and port.
Multicast Pkts Received
Total number of multicast packets that entered the
Ethernet port.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Trap Fields
Agent Fault Traps
A group of traps which report the failure of the
agent in the device.
Authentication Traps
An SNMP request with an illegal community was
Backup Agent Fault Traps The trap reports the failure of the backup MSPV
agent in the Cajun M770.
CAM Last Change Traps
Config. Change Traps
Fan De-enrollment Traps
Fan Enrollment Traps
Fans Fault Clear Traps
The trap reports the last time the Contents Address
Memory was changed.
A group of traps which report a change in the
configuration of the device.
The trap reports the removal of a fan from the
The trap reports the insertion of a fan into the
The trap reports that the fan failure condition was
Fault Fan Traps
Fault Traps
The trap reports the failure of a fan.
A group of traps which report a fault in the device.
IDS Version Inconsistency The trap reports that the software on the module is
outdated and does not support IDS.
Module Insert Traps
The trap reports the insertion of a module in the
Module Remove Traps
The trap reports the removal of a module from the
PSU De-enrollment Traps The trap reports the removal of a PSU from the
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
PSU Enrollment Traps
The trap reports the insertion of a PSU into the
PSU Fault Clear Traps
PSU Fault Traps
The trap reports that the PSU failure was corrected.
The trap reports the failure of a PSU.
STA Version
Inconsistency Traps
The trap reports that the software on the module is
outdated and does not support STA.
Temperature Exceed
Clear Traps
The trap reports that the temperature exceed
condition was corrected.
Temperature Exceed
Notifies the management station of the internal
board/enclosure temperature fluctuations. It is
generated when the temperature exceeds the
hardware defined threshold on the module.
Version Inconsistency
The trap reports that the software on the module is
outdated and does not support the full functionality
available from the device.
VIDP Version
Inconsistency Traps
The trap reports that the software on the module is
outdated and does not support VIDP.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide
Counter fields 55
port mirroring 30
port redundancy 34
severity degrees 22
VLAN list 38
Administer menu 42
Designating managers 8
configuration 7
reset 19
software downloading 7
verifying configuration 7
viewing the information box 7
Configuration 11
agent configuration 7
connected stations 35
device configuration 11
menus 41
port redundancy 33
VLANs 37
welcome to 1
port redundancy 34
VLAN member switch ports 39
VLANs 37
port mirroring 31
ports 16
Chassis View
Error counters 27
Ethernet ports
selecting elements 5
toolbar 5
usage 4
counters 26
error counters 27
Communication between VLANs 40
Configuration fields 45
Configuration menu 41
Fault management 21
General agent configuration 7
agents 7
devices 11
ports 15
Hardware configuration 13
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Help menu 43
How to
access port mirroring 30
access the VLAN list 38
configure agents 7
Organization 1
configure devices 11
configure ports 15
create VLANs 37
redundancy 33
Port counters
delete a port redundancy 34
designate managers 8
disable port mirroring 31
disable ports 16
download agent software 7
edit a port redundancy 34
edit VLANs 37
Purpose of this manual 1
enable port mirroring 31
enable ports 16
reset the agent 19
reset the device 19
reset the module 19
run from UNIX 2
select elements 5
use Chassis View 4
agent 19
module 19
use the toolbar 5
verify agent configuration 7
view clock synchronization configuration
view connected stations 35
view domain information 17
Selecting elements 5
Severity degrees
accessing 22
Management 2
Station connections 35
Switch connected addresses 35
Switch reset 19
Management menus 41
Managers 8
configuration 14
reset 19
Monitoring performance 25
Toolbar 5
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Trap fields 57
module configuration 14
running Cajun M770 Multifunction De-
vice management 2
severity degrees 22
creating 37
Chassis View 4
toolbar 5
Verifying agent installation 7
Welcome to Cajun M770 Multifunction Device
Management 1
Who should use Cajun M770 Multifunction
Device Management 1
agent information box 7
clock synchronization configuration 18
connected stations 35
device information 12
Domain Resource Units 17
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide
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